Saturday, January 20, 2018

Motherhood: The Ups and Downs

I have been a momma for a little over 3 years now! My oldest is 3 years and my youngest is 17 months! I have always wanted to be a mother and most days I love it! But if you are a mother or have been a mother you know that some days can be harder then others!

Motherhood can be long sleepless nights, crying demanding tiny humans, snot, poop, and puke! Sometimes as mothers we put ourselves aside, hair, makeup, and showers, to take care of the little ones! 

Some days it is hard to decide between washing the pile of dirty dishes or taking a nap when the kiddos are down for naps! Sometimes we just want to sit down and watch our favorite show on Netflix and not worry about the clothes that need washed and folded!
We can be torn between a clean house and spending time with the kids before they grow up too fast right before our eyes!

Babies don't stay babies for long and we watch them change before us in the blink of an eye! I have many days as I put them to bed at night and wonder if I have done enough with them that day! Did I read enough books with them? Did I tell them I love them enough? Did I give them enough healthy snacks? And the questions keep going!

But this is something I am learning myself so I want to share it with my fellow Momma's out there! 
You are doing amazing! You are a good mom! Your kiddos are well taken care of and they see how much you love them! The effort you put into them and the love you show them is amazing! 
Sometimes we criticize ourselves more than we should! We are the best at looking at other mom's and trying to be more like them! We think we have to get it all together just like they are!
Yet we forget those Facebook photos are taken so that you don't see the load of laundry on the couch, there is a filter added so you don't see the dark circles under eyes, and she may feel just like you most days! As they say "The grass is always greener on the other side!" We cannot compare our story with the next mom! We each struggle with something and each feel like the other mom is doing better!

I want to suggest a change! Let's work to encourage other mothers around us! Something as simple as a comment on their photo on Facebook telling them something encouraging, sending them a message or a text! Whatever it may be, let's rally to encourage those moms!
The more we step out and build other mothers up, the Momma community is blessed more!

To the Momma's out there who read this, You are amazing and are doing a great job!

She is...


A Lesson On Friendship

If you are alive and breathing at some point in your life you have looked for or had a friendship! Even if you don't have any frie...