Monday, July 23, 2018

A Lesson On Friendship

If you are alive and breathing at some point in your life you have looked for or had a friendship! Even if you don't have any friends right now you did have them at some point!
Friendship is such a big part of the world today! It connects us to other people! Some are just like us and others are total opposites but do us so much good!

But I have also found that friendship can be one of the hardest things ever!
Think about it, how many of us can say that we are still friends with the people we grew up with or went to school with? Some can say that for sure! And some are still best friends with the person who they were best friends with in high school!
But the majority of what you find is that most people grew up and grew apart from those friends!

And then there are the friends who are in your life for a season! They are there when you lived in that big city during your first 2 years in your brand new career job! They helped you set up your first apartment, laughed and cried with you through those first few rough years and so on! You called them your best friend! You shared your heart with them and them with you! But then life changed and when you moved the friendship did not move with you! You may still talk to that person some but they're not the best friend they were in years past!
Those people are not bad! They came into your life when you needed them! You learned so much from them and can look back and smile on those great times!

My favorite type of friendship is the friend who came to you later on in life and has stayed with you!
I have one of these!
She became my friend when I left everything I knew in PA and moved to TX! I had no friends and moved from the North to the South! A ton of big changes at one time!
We were both singles at the time and connected in so many ways! Her birthday is 2 weeks after mine and we even went on a big 21st birthday road trip together!
She stayed with me thru several moves, me finding a guy and dating, she was a bridesmaid in my wedding, stayed with me as I became married and had kids! She is still single but has stayed with me thru it all! 
Our friendship has changed a ton thru all those things, but always still been there!
When one of us is having a bad day and needs to talk about it we set aside time and listen!

Something I have been learning a lot lately about friendship is you have to prioritize! There will be friends who you will try and make into good friends and you will just be pulling teeth! I have learned with those people that I will take the time to check in with them, see how they are, encourage them and chat! But I do not put all my effort into it! I am still being genuine and real but I am putting more of my efforts into those who will give back as well! 
Friendship is not just about you encouraging and filling others up but others being willing to give back to you as well!

So find those friends and realize where they fit! Don't try and make every single friend be a good good friend that you share your entire heart with! They all won't be that way and you will burn yourself out very very fast!
I know what its like to feel lonely and want to make someone a super good friends because of that! The friend I talked about above does not live super close to me so I want local friendships allot and have found myself a few times trying to make people that super good friend! I am learning to take the few I have found and invest in them! The others I encourge still tho!

Friends I ,hope this post encourges you no matter where you are at in your friendships!

Share with us in the comments a friendship tip or something you have learned as well!

She Is....

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A Lesson On Friendship

If you are alive and breathing at some point in your life you have looked for or had a friendship! Even if you don't have any frie...