Thursday, January 18, 2018

You Deserve More!

The quote above speaks volumes!
I feel like so often we as women place how we view ourselves by what others think of us! We want everyone to like us and if they don't that must be saying that there is something wrong with us!
We have diets, weight loss plans, skinny models, and body image pushed at us from all sides! We are told we have to fit into some mold and must be apart of some "clique" or "group"! We wear are emotions on are sleeves and they get bumped and bruised! And for what? To feel accepted!

For years I have wanted people to like me! I have wanted friends and I hated when friendships did not last! I found that I was the one who was trying to make the friendships/Relationships work! I was putting allot of effect into forcing something to happen!
Something I am learning and think is so important for others to understand is that what you put your effort into is what will be your focus! I learned that I was putting so much effort into keeping these relationships going that I was not taking care of me, my family, or my close friends who where putting effort into me!
It was so freeing to let go of those relationships and not worry about them! I felt so much better about myself and started to surround myself with the people who wanted to be there!

Don't forget that you deserve more! Don't feel like you have to be doing it all! A relationship takes effort on both sides!! Choose to love you for who you are and find the people who love you for you as well!!

She Is....


  1. I can SOOO relate to this! I love your point that what you focus on is where your attention is going. I focused so negatively on relationships for so long, afraid that they would fail. And that's exactly what happened! I had to learn to let go of the fear and pour positivity into those around me instead. Thank you for the reminder <3

  2. I can SOOO relate to this! I love your point that what you focus on is where your attention is going. I focused so negatively on relationships for so long, afraid that they would fail. And that's exactly what happened! I had to learn to let go of the fear and pour positivity into those around me instead. Thank you for the reminder <3

    1. So glad that it touched you!! Sometimes reminders like that are just what we need!


A Lesson On Friendship

If you are alive and breathing at some point in your life you have looked for or had a friendship! Even if you don't have any frie...